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Beautiful Articles and facts mentioned in the Quran |
* سورہ مُلک *
The twenty ninth verse begins with * Surah leader *. In Surah leader, God Almighty says regarding His caste: Blessed is that the caste in Whose hand is that the government and who is powerful. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): He created life and death to understand WHO will sensible. Mentioning His artistic power, God Almighty aforesaid that He created the seven heavens and created them in such how that no weakness of any kind is seen in His creation. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): They adorned the heavens and also the earth with the lamps of the celebrities, and thru them they're wont to hit the devils.
* سورۃ القلم *
After Surah leader is * Surah Al-Qalam *. In Surah Al-Qalam, God Almighty mentions that the character of the Holy Prophet is nice. The Holy Prophet himself declared that I even have been sent to meet the noble morals. somebody asked Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqah (RA) what was the character of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Ayesha Siddiqah (RA) replied that her character was the Holy Qur'an. He said, "You are following it all of your life. "IN this blessed Surah, God Almighty additionally mentions a generous and virtuous landholder WHO wont to pay the proper of God Almighty from the financial gain of his gardens within the very best means. He determined to not pay any of the harvest to the poor. once it absolutely was time to reap, they left early within the morning in order that they might not notice any poor folks on the means. once they reached the garden, they saw that there was no such factor as a field or a garden. They suspected that they may have forgotten the means, however once careful thought, they accomplished that they'd not forgotten the means. IN fact, their garden was extremely barren. This incident proves that once wealth isn't spent within the means of God, there's a break of wasting that wealth. during this Surah, God Almighty states that the disbelievers raise varied objections against the Holy Prophet. once they hear the Holy Qur'an, they decision you insane. God Almighty aforesaid that they require to bring you down from their sight, so that they slander you. However, the very fact is that this sacred writing may be a reminder for all the worlds.
* سورۃ الحاقہ *
After Surah Al-Qalam, there's * Surah Al-Huqqah * and Al-Huqqah suggests that truth during this Surah, God Almighty has referred to as the Day of Resurrection within the name of truth and knowing America of the fate of these WHO deny this real rumbling. during this Surah, the fate of the folks of Thamud and Aadi was knowing, WHO denied the Hour. God Almighty destroyed the folks of Thamud with a shout and also the folks of Aad with a robust wind. during this Surah, God (SAW) has refuted the sayings of the disbelievers regarding the Prophet (SAW).The disbelievers wont to decision the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) a author and a priest, whereas Allah says that no matter has return right down to him is from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and there's nothing false in it. God Almighty ne'er offers prosperity to those that fabricate lies regarding Himself, whereas God Almighty has continued the remembrance of Allah's Beloved until the tip of your time.
* سورۃ المعارج *
After Surah Al-Huqqah is * Al-Ma'arij *. during this surah, God mentions the Day of Judgment which is able to be adequate to fifty thousand years long. supply your woman and your brother or no matter is within the land, provides it as ransom. God has additionally delineated the attributes of these WHO can escape the torment on it day. These are going to be the those who can defend their chastity. These folks are going to be the keepers of trusts and guarantees, these folks are going to be those WHO can stand on the testimony of truth and can be the guardians of prayers. These area unit the those who are going to be entitled to Paradise.
* سور نو نوح *
After Surah Ma'arij is * Surah Nooh *. In Surah Nooh, God Almighty mentions the toil of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) for the faith. Noah (peace be upon him) continued to decision his folks to Tawheed for 9 hundred and fifty years. He educated his folks to hunt forgiveness from their Lord, and also the result are going to be that God can rusticate rains for them, and can increase them in wealth and kids. He can create canals for them and settle gardens.
* سورہ جن *
After Surah Nooh is * Surah Jinn *. Surah during which God Almighty mentions the conversion of a gaggle of jinn to Islam. once they detected the recitation of the Qur'an, they said, "What a gorgeous word the Qur'an is. It guides to steerage." therefore we have a tendency to believe it. and that we won't associate something with our Lord. He aforesaid that the position of the Lord is incredibly high. He has neither a woman nor a son. He additionally invited the folks of his nation to Tawheed once the revelation of the Holy sacred writing. Thus, like humans, a gaggle of jinn joined the Ahl al-Tawhid.
* سورہ مزمل *
Surah Jinn is followed by * Surah Muzammil *. In Surah Muzammil, Allah Almighty told His Beloved not to worship all night but to worship more or less in the middle of the night. Because they have to do a lot of work even during the day and keep on taking the name of Allah Almighty from time to time. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) became very absorbed in worship due to the love of Allah. In this Surah, Allah Almighty also states that the Qur'an should be read as much as possible.
* سورہ مدثر *
After Surah Muzammil is * Surah Mudassir *. In this Surah, Allah Almighty mentions the evil end of those who deny the Qur'an out of arrogance. They will have to taste Hell. In this Surah, Allah Almighty has mentioned the number of angels guarding Hell as nineteen and has also mentioned the major sins that lead to Hell, such as negligence in prayers and not feeding the poor.
* سورۃ القيامہ *
Then there is Surah Al-Qiyamah. In which Allah mentions the Hour of Resurrection that surely the Hour will come and the disbeliever who thinks about Allah how He will rebuild the bones then Allah Blessed and Almighty says that for us even the tips of the fingers It is not difficult to reproduce exactly.
* سورہ دھر *
Then there is * Surah Dhar *. In it, God Almighty says that there was a time when man was nothing worth mentioning. Allah Almighty made him see and hear with a drop of water. Tell him two ways, whether he is thankful or ungrateful. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains, shackles and a blazing fire, while the righteous will enter Paradise, where they will have innumerable blessings.
* سور مرسلات *
This is followed by * Surah Mursalat * and in this blessed Surah, Allah Almighty has repeatedly declared the Day of Resurrection as a day of destruction for the deniers and has declared success and prosperity as the destiny of the pious.
* May Allah Almighty help us to take advice from the articles and facts mentioned in the Quran, Amen!